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Objavljeni su natječaji za dodjelu financijskih potpora studentima za mobilnost u okviru programa Erasmus+

Veleučilište u Rijeci objavilo je Natječaje za dodjelu financijskih potpora studentima za mobilnost u okviru programa Erasmus+.

Aktivni natječaji za mobilnost u svrhu stručne prakse:

Natječaj za mobilnost u svrhu studijskog boravka:


Aktivni natječaji za mobilnost u svrhu pohađanja Kombiniranih intenzivnih programa (Blended Intensive Programs - BIP):

Svi Natječaji su dostupni u okviru izbornika NATJEČAJI MOBILNOST.

Iskoristite mogućnosti programa  Erasmus+ i prijavite se! Doprinesite pritom i zelenijoj Europi - Zeleni Erasmus+ - preporuke sudionicima za zeleniju mobilnost u okviru programa Erasmus+.

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Poziva za Summer School 2023 - Sveučilište u Mariboru (BIP)

Dragi studenti,

Sveučilište u Mariboru Vas poziva da se prijavite na dane ljetnih škola 2023. putem Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs).

Više informacija o programima ljetne škole možete pronaći u nastavku, a na našoj stranici provjerite proceduru za dobivanje Erasmus+ BIP financijskih potpora.

Dear Partners,

The University of Maribor is pleased to invite your students to our Summer Schools 2023. 

We are organising several different Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) for students in various academic fields. The details about the summer school programmes are available on our new website.

Each module includes lectures, workshops, local visits and an attractive social programme.

All modules are free of charge. Students should check the procedures for obtaining an Erasmus+ BIP financial grants.

We will be grateful if you can share this message with your students and colleagues. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

We hope to meet your students at our summer schools.

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Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in Circular Bioeconomy at the the Polytechnic Institute of Braganca, Portugal

Dear students,

Within the framework of the new Erasmus+ programme period (2021-2027) the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB, Portugal) and its European partners offer Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)*.

We would like to invite you to participate in our BIP in Circular Bioeconomy

The deadline for application is 20/04/2023 -

The virtual component will start 27/04/2023, ending 29/06/2023.

Physical component is planned for 05/06/2023, ending 09/06/2023.
Contents: Seminars in Circular Bioeconomy: Circular economics, Degrowth economics, Bioeconomy, Biotechnology in bioeconomy, Sustainability of food businesses through quality, innovation and data analytics, Bioenergy, Life Cycle Analysis. Biomass in the synthesis of porous polymer materials. Research activities at the Mountain Research Centre (CIMO, Bragança, Portugal). Project development on sustainable development goals.

*BIP are short and intensive training programmes, including online cooperation by combining physical mobility with a virtual part, and promoting and using innovative ways of learning and teaching, research-based and challenge-based learning.


Sylwia Solczak Melo
International Relations Office
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
Campus de Santa Apolónia

5300-253 Bragança Portugal
Phone +351 273330835
Erasmus code: P BRAGANC01


**Sudjelovanje u BIP-u moguće je uz Erasmus+ financijsku potporu. Natječaji Veleučilišta u Rijeci za dodjelu financijskih potpora studentima za kombiniranu mobilnost u svrhu pohađanja BIP-a objavljeni su ovdje:

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BIP in Cybersecurity - last call - Polytechnic Institute of Braganca

Dear Partner,

We would like to invite your IT students to participate in our BIP in Cybersecurity

The deadline for application is 15.03.2023

The virtual component will start 11/04/2023, ending 11/06/2023. Physical component is planned for 12/06/2023, ending 16/06/2023.

Contents: Fundamentals of system and network security. Concepts of cryptography. Vulnerabilities and attacks. Industrial Cybersecurity. Mechanisms for control, containment, detection and prevention. Systems and networks hardening. Security audit and penetration testing.

Best regards,

Sylwia Solczak Melo
International Relations Office 
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança 
Campus de Santa Apolónia

5300-253 Bragança Portugal 
Phone +351 273330835 
Erasmus code: P BRAGANC01

(Blended Intensive Programmes, Incoming Erasmus students, Outgoing Erasmus teachers and staff) 

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Blended Intensive Programmes at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança for the 2nd semester

Within the framework of the new Erasmus+ programme period (2021-2027) the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB, Portugal) and its European partners offer Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP).

BIP are short and intensive training programmes, including online cooperation by combining physical mobility with a virtual part, and promoting and using innovative ways of learning and teaching, research-based and challenge-based learning. The virtual part will allow the participation in teaching/training of experts from all partners. The physical short-term mobility will allow the face-to-face cooperation of teachers and participants.

Students can maintain their study plan at home institution and include the BIP training as parallel activity. The short-term physical mobility will constitute the only period outside their home institution. Students will credit the BIP at their study plans.

The application period for the 2nd semester BIPs at IPB is open.

Students can apply here:


Available BIPs at the 2nd semester 2022/2023:

Challenge-Based Innovation (6 ECTS credits) – Application deadline 15/02/2023

Emotional Education (6 ECTS credits) – Application deadline 12/02/2023

Local Public Policies (6 ECTS credits) – Application deadline 12/02/2023

Smart Grids (6 ECTS credits) – Application deadline 19/02/2023

Nature Conservation and Artificial Intelligence (6 ECTS credits) – Application deadline 28/02/2023

Circular Bioeconomy (6 ECTS credits) – Application deadline 08/04/2023

Cybersecurity (6 ECTS credits) – Application deadline 15/03/2023

Integrated Multimedia Project (6 ECTS credits) – Application deadline 17/02/2023



Sylwia Solczak Melo
International Relations Office 
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança 
Campus de Santa Apolónia

5300-253 Bragança Portugal 
Phone +351 273330835 
Erasmus code: P BRAGANC01

(Incoming Erasmus students, Incoming and Outgoing Erasmus teachers and staff) 

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